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Google Pigeon

Google Pigeon is a major update to Google’s local search algorithm, which was rolled out in July 2014. It marked a significant improvement in how local search results are ranked and displayed, incorporating elements from Google’s core search algorithms into local searches.

Key Features of Google Pigeon:

  1. Enhanced Ranking Signals: Pigeon integrated ranking factors used in organic search into local search results. This meant that local searches began to benefit from the same advanced ranking signals and algorithms that Google uses for web search.
  2. Improved Location and Distance Metrics: The update placed greater emphasis on the proximity of search results to the user’s location. This made location and distance more influential factors in determining the relevance and ranking of local search results.
  3. Impact on Both Web and Maps Search: Google Pigeon affected search results on both Google Web Search and Google Maps. It aimed to improve the relevance and accuracy of local business listings and map results.
  4. Better Quality of Local Search Results: The goal of Pigeon was to enhance the quality of local search results by making them more precise and relevant. This was achieved by applying the same principles used in general search to local search, resulting in more consistent and high-quality local search results.
  5. Influence on Local SEO: Businesses began to see changes in their local search visibility, and local SEO strategies had to adapt to the new ranking factors introduced by Pigeon. This included a greater focus on local relevance, accurate business information, and optimized local content.

Impact on Local Search:

  • Relevance and Accuracy: Pigeon made local search results more relevant by improving how Google assesses location and distance. This helped users find more accurate and useful local information.
  • Search Consistency: By applying the same ranking signals used in general search, Pigeon aimed to create a more consistent experience for users, regardless of whether they were searching for local or global information.

Since the introduction of Pigeon, Google has continued to refine and update its local search algorithms. These ongoing updates have further enhanced the effectiveness of local search, solidifying Google’s position as a leading tool for finding local businesses and services.


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